
Carpanion GmbH

Billing address and delivery address

Carpanion GmbH
Linzer Straße 61/5
4840 Vöcklabruck

Corporate purpose:

Specialized in software development and provider for GPS tracking, telematics and digitalization in the vehicle fleet.

Office hours:

Monday – Thursday from 8 a.m. – 12 noon and 1 p.m.  to 4 p.m.
Friday from 8 a.m. – 12 noon
Excluding Austrian citizens. Public vacations and company vacations


Limited liability company
Shareholder: DI FH Markus Häusler (100%);
Managing Director: DI (FH) Markus Häusler

Register entry:

FN: 402041M, FB court: Wels regional court

Sales tax ID:


Account information:

IBAN: AT28 3460 8000 0007 8980
BIC: RZOOAT2L608 (rzooat2l608)